In what Attorney General Eric Holder called the possibility of a "constitutional crisis", the House or Representatives Government Oversight Committee ruled that the Attorney General was in Contempt of Congress. They claim he failed to provide documents they issued a subpoena to obtain. After 7 months of back and forth over this, President Obama claimed Executive Privilege over those documents. Mostly, the media has either failed to mention this at all, or if they have mentioned it, it's been to mention it's an entirely partisan issue. Some talking heads, like Al Sharpton, believe it's proof of racism against Eric Holder. This is what I know, from what little reporting has been done. (And that by the alternative media.) Operation Fast and Furious was designed to allow guns to be bought by Mexican Drug Cartels. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry is dead. 300 Mexican citizens are dead. And, unless I'm missing some vital piece of informatio...