I'm sure a lot of my more conservative friends will take issue with what I'm about to write, but I've always been more interested in truth than in appeasing someone. I watched portions of the most recent Benghazi hearings. Several news organizations revealed the trail of emails that led to the final talking points released on the Benghazi hearings. I think we can safely assume at this point, that the President isn't the one who ordered the talking points changed. Whether or not he knew about it, whether or not he deliberately lied, are questions left for another day. The orchestration of the lie, however, can be laid directly at the feet of the State Department. Simply put, emails reveal that the State Dept. had issues with the the talking points, because they feared what Congress may say or do if it became known that we were well aware there was terrorist activity, and it was prevalent, in Benghazi. One of the emails came right out and said it. ...