One of my favorite bloggers, Professor Glenn Reynolds, often posts links to his blog site (h/t: Instanpundit) while mentioning that "All they have to do is not be crazy". The idea being, that in a midterm election, where the President's party controls the Executive and Legislative branches, all the opposition has to do in order to win is, well, not be crazy. The link that follows usually includes a high level of crazy. From Russian Collusion to complete unfounded accusations of treason, crazy is the norm from the opposition. Which brings me to the reason for this post. My lovely daughter posted a video where several people attempted to equate Margaret Atwood's famous dystopian novel with President Donald Trump's America. Dear Daughter asked for my opinion. It's hard to even begin to address this absurdity, never mind in a comment on Facebook. So, here I sit, at 0014 hours, composing a blog. ...