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Showing posts from June, 2020

In Which Amy Makes People Mad (again....)

I'm sitting here, having scrolled through Facebook and Instagram, and I'm shaking my head.  I have a few things to say, and if any of you wishes to respond with words, such as "racist", "white privilege" or anything of the sort, please don't and delete me.  I think I'm done being nice, not that I've ever really been accused of being nice.  I'm known for speaking my mind and letting the chips fall where they may.  Now I'm speaking my mind and actively asking people to walk away rather than use words that do not advance the conversation. Social Media has made us mean, stupid and lazy.  People spew words at other people on social media that they would never say to a person's face.  It's safe to denigrate the character of individuals and whole groups of people when one can do it from the comfort of a chair, in the safety of their house, behind the shield of a computer screen.  If after this is posted you want to call me names or...