But still a lack of personal responsibility. Let me explain. I recently read an article from Real Clear Investigations, "Night Train to Oblivion:Anatomy of an American OD". They hit on some good points, and they missed on a few others, but there is an extreme lack of personal responsibility in this story. There is a lot of blame to go around in the current Opioid Epidemic. The blame doesn't rest soley on the back of the Sackler's from Purdue Pharma, or for that matter, on pharmaceutical companies in general. Of course, Big Pharma has a big share of blame, but so does the FDA, doctors with organizations who pushed "pain as the fifth vital sign", pharmacies who were more interested in making a profit, even when they knew they were seeing suspect prescriptions, and the patients and their families. (Although some families tried their best to fight the idea that long-term opioid use was perfectly okay.) I encourage you to read the article, but I'm g...