Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Why I Voted for the Felon They Kept Trying to Kill

   Yesterday, a Pastor I think quite highly about, made a post on Facebook asking some pointed questions of Christians who supported Trump.  He ended up taking the post down, and my memory is not the greatest so I do not remember all the questions he asked.  I did comment, something I do not normally do on political posts on Facebook.  This time, though, I felt the questions were asked in an honest attempt to understand.  However, a comment on a social media site does not always cover all the bases.  In the last 24 hours I have thought a great deal on those questions, and so I made the decision to put together a longer blog post.  It is my hope that if tag him, he will read it, because again, I feel he asked those questions in good faith.

   President Trump fired 17 Inspectors General on Friday.  The Office of Inspector General is tasked with overseeing pretty much every department of the federal government.  Their main goal is to make sure that taxpayer money is being spent properly, to detect and prevent waste, fraud and abuse, and to make sure agencies are adhering to the regulations governing them.  There are over 70 of them, so he didn't gut the OIG.  I can't seem to find a complete list of who he fired, so I'm only going to offer opinions on the information I found.  Yesterday I read an article that the government made close to 162 billion dollars in improper payments in 2024.  From the Government Accountability Office, I found that number to be 236 billion dollars in 2023. Considering the job of IGs is to combat this, is it possible some of them were fired for failing to do their jobs?  In two years that's 400 billion dollars that was... wasted.  I also noticed that he fired the IGs for the Pentagon and the VA.  In November of 2024 the Pentagon failed it's seventh audit in a row.  The Pentagon has a budget of 824 billion dollars and was unable to account for where all that money went.  Only 9 of the 28 sub audits passed.  We all know the VA is a mess, so I have no problem seeing how that IG got fired.  I'm not convinced he shouldn't have fired them all and hired new people far more capable of making sure billions and billions of dollars aren't just disappearing. (In any private company that would be considered a crime.)

   President Trump also revoked the security clearances of 51 current and former intelligence officials.  Here's the thing:  those 51 intelligence officials lied in order to provide cover for the 2020 Biden/Harris campaign.  They told the American people that Hunter Biden's laptop had all the hallmarks of a Russian Information operation. (That's important, because they said "Information" instead of "Disinformation" in order to provide cover for their lie. They also rightly knew it would make it seem like it was fabricated, even though that isn't exactly what they said.) Except, at that time, the FBI was well aware that it wasn't.  They had authenticated a laptop they'd had in their possession for nearly a year.  That laptop contained information that was damaging to both Hunter Biden and his father.  Antony Blinken, the man who would become Secretary of State, and was at that time a Biden campaign official, called his good friend Michael Morrell, Deputy CIA Director, to provide talking points to combat the information.  Mr. Morrell admitted he organized the letter specifically to help Joe Biden in the upcoming debate.  People with security clearances, and at times access to the most sensitive information, used their positions within the intelligence community to LIE to the American people.  It undermines our trust in our government and the people who are tasked with protecting us.  They don't deserve to retain those clearances.

   They removed a portrait of Mark Milley, as if that is somehow a crime.  I can think of a few crimes General Milley ought to be investigated for, but Joe Biden saw fit to issue him a pre-emptive pardon for crimes that have never even been investigated.  He told his Chinese counterpart he would warn him if Trump was going to attack China.  That might be considered treason.  Just maybe.  At the time Trump was Commander-in-Chief, and General Milley was more than willing to undermine his Commander-in-Chief.  I'm not sure why that conversation was ever had since Trump wasn't really in the business of starting wars, but either way, I think a military court might have a field day with that.  There was also his involvement with the absolute horror show that was the Afghanistan withdrawal, but there is information out there that General Milley did tried to warn Joe Biden.  So at least he's not completely incompetent.  Maybe.

   Trump pardoned most of the J6 prisoners.  He commuted the sentences of a few pending further review.  J6 was a terrible riot.  And yes, it was a riot, not an insurrection.  At no point was anyone charged with insurrection, and Trump was never charged with inciting an insurrection.  The worst charge levied on any J6er was "obstruction of justice" or "obstructing the Jan 6th joint session".  If obstructing Congress is a crime there are quite a few Democrats who should be in jail, because in 2023 they sang gun control songs to avoid actually going about the business of Congress.  People who never even entered the capitol and who were just standing around outside were charged with this crime.  They were threatened with worse charges to get them to plead out to this crime.  Many of these people had never had a speeding ticket, never mind a felony charge on their record.  But, be that as it may, if that's how we want to treat rioters, we should treat them all that way.  Hundreds of police officers were injured during the BLM Riots of 2020.  Hundreds.  How many people went to jail for months, never mind years, for that?  An entire police precinct was burned to the ground.  The federal building in Portland was firebombed for days. An entire section of Seattle was taken over, which ended up with death and rape and sexual assault, and ambulances and police couldn't even help.  How many of those people went to prison?  Vice President Kamala Harris STILL has the tweet up on her X account asking people to contribute to the fund to bail out people who burned down their cities.  There is not supposed to be two-tiered justice in this country.  We already know most Elites don't pay for their crimes (Congressional slush fund to pay off sexual harassment and assault claims, anyone?), but now we've decided some riots are better than others.  So, no, pardoning J6ers, very few of whom assaulted police officers, doesn't bother me.

   There were a few other things, but as I said, my memory fails me at this time.  So now I want to move on to the questions that weren't asked, and while I doubt anyone will answer them, I think it's worth noting that I know quite a few Christians, or at least people who call themselves that, who did vote for Joe Biden, because "Orange Man Bad".  

   Do you honestly believe that Diversity, Equity and Inclusion makes our society less racist?  We had a Vice President chosen because she was black woman.  We had  Supreme Court Justice chosen because she was a black woman.  We had a press secretary who checked black, woman, and lesbian boxes.  Do you think any of those decisions made us a more inclusive society?  Do you think I deserve a job over a man who can do my job better, simply because I am a woman?  Do you think Asian students should be denied college admissions in favor of BIPOC people who aren't as qualified?  Or maybe I should put this another way.... do you think people of color can't succeed without those things?  I am asking you to look deep inside yourself if you think that people of color are unable to succeed without a handout out from the white man.  Sorry, that's as racist as it sounds.  Stop.  And I say this as a woman who was just told last week that all of my accomplishments, the things I worked so hard for, I was awarded because of DEI, because no man really wanted me to have them.  That's as offensive as it gets.  

   Do you have issues with the fact that for at least a year, most likely longer, we had a president who was not capable of doing the job he was elected to do?  He needed frequent naps, he hardly held cabinet meetings, he missed out on important diplomatic meetings overseas to sleep, he was basically barely functioning. He was protected and coddled by an inner circle for almost his entire Presidency.  Someone was running the government but it was likely not the person people voted for.  Do you care?  Do you think the American people deserve to know which aides and government cronies were acting as President?  Do you think that's how a "democracy" should be run?

   Are you okay with a Department of Justice that DID go after the President's political opponent?  There is evidence that lawyers involved in the cases in New York and Georgia were in touch with and getting advice from the White House.  That seems like something we should avoid in a "democracy".  

   Are you okay with a President who calls half the country enemies of democracy?  Because we were told, by Joe Biden, that if we were strong supporters of Trump, after everything we knew, that's exactly what we were.  

   Do you honestly believe that offering gender affirming care that involves sterilizing drugs and cutting off the body parts of children is okay?  Have we really lost our way that badly?  Because I firmly believe that we will look back on this and realize that we ruined a generation of children in the name of "gender theory".  That cat is out of the bag.  We callyn never put it back.  And no parent who allowed their child to do this is ever going to be able to admit they harmed their child.  So they will fight to the death to believe this was the right thing to do.  The experts told them it was.  

   The same class of people who lost 400 billion dollars in 2 years.  Who told us masks don't work and then they do.  Who told us a vaccine would stop us from getting COVID, then it would stop us from transmitting COVID, then it would stop us dying from COVID, and then at least it's better than nothing!  Who told us that gathering in large groups to protest George Floyd's death was okay, but gathering in church on Sunday wasn't.  Who told us that COVID came from a wet market, and then nope, it really came from that lab that was funded with American tax dollars.  Who told us they weren't censoring us on Facebook and Twitter, only for Facebook and Twitter executives to say "um, yes they were."  Who told us Afghanistan was a success, only for us to watch every right Afghan women had evaporate into dust.  Who scream that the Palestinians are dying for no reason, while not mentioning the hostages Hamas still has.  Who tell us God is dead, feelings are better than fact, that a lie in service of a greater cause is better than the truth.

   The last four years have been some of the most trying years I've gone through.  I finally had the career I wanted only to see every raise I got erased by crippling inflation.  I was called a bigot for refusing to see people different than me as... well.. different.  They bleed the same color as me, God loves them, that's all that matters, except it isn't.  I was wished paralyzing misery because I wouldn't be a Pride Flag in my profile picture in June.  It doesn't matter that I don't care who you sleep with, I had to celebrate who you sleep with.  (No, I don't, and I don't expect you to do it for me either.) I was told I was a grandma killed because I wasn't vaccinated for COVID.  I was told I had no compassion for other people.  I've been told I'm an enemy of democracy.   I've watched millions of illegal immigrants pour over our borders and be giving housing and money, while American citizens in North Carolina mountains were living in tents in the winter, fighting for a $750 check.  I lost an uncle and we were only allowed to have 20 people at his funeral.  I've had enough.  I want my country back.  That's why I voted for Donald Trump.  That's why I would have walked over broken glass to vote for Donald Trump.  

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Now the Truth Can Be Told?

    Donald Trump was inaugurated yesterday, in case you didn't know.  Now that neither Joe Biden or Kamala Harris will inhabit the White House, there is no longer a need to protect them.  So it appears that now the truth can be told.

   For the better part of four years anyone who questioned Joe Biden's ability to do the job required of a President of the United States was dismissed.  We were ageists, he was sharp as a tack, Donald Trump is worse, and in the words of Joe Scarborough he was the "best Joe Biden ever!"  Then on Thursday, June 27, 2024, we were vindicated.  (I am right, I swear I'm right, Swear I knew it all along*)

   On that stage was a man who was barely able to string 3 coherent words together.  "We finally beat Medicare!"  I still don't know what that means.  In front of the whole country, the whole world, the leader of the free world was exposed as a "well-meaning elderly man with a poor memory."  And an inability to contain one complete thought in his head.

   But up to that point, every video of him stumbling over simple phrases, mixing up the names of world leaders, calling on dead people to stand up and be recognized, was billed as "misinformation" or "cheap fakes."  Oh how the media tried to tell us not to believe our lying eyes.  

   Before you could blink, media figures were demanding he step aside, and less than a month later they got their wish.  Joe Biden withdrew and he endorsed Kamala Harris.  I could write a whole blog post in and of itself on the trainwreck that was Kamala Harris and a "New Way Forward".  But that's not what this is about.  This is about the fact that once Joe Biden exited and even more so, once Kamala lost, the media (outside of X, the conservative and independent blogs, and the Wall Street Journal) started to let slip stories and details about Joe's years in the White House.

   For the record, I was fond, from the very beginning of Joe's tenure, of Ben Shapiro's nickname "Potatus."  Many of us knew, and were not afraid of saying it nor inclined to pretend otherwise simply because Orange Man Bad, that he was not all there.  He was certainly more there when he was elected than say, two years later, when many of us questioned whether he was actually the President.  And for record, many of us do not believe he is a well-meaning elderly man, but more a power-tripping corrupt narcissist.  But by 2022, he was just a sad little king of a sad little hill.  And he was not calling the shots.  No, this isn't my opinion.  Multiple stories, including in the New York Times, have confirmed that aides around Mr. Biden were keeping him as insulated as possible.  From the press, from his donors, from his cabinet members, from members of Congress, even Democrat members.  Who was making the decisions, because it wasn't that man on the stage in June of 2024.  That man couldn't make a decision.  Whose finger was on the nuclear button?  

   Truth is, we are lucky that our enemies didn't do more to take advantage of the situation that became clear that sultry summer night.  We are very lucky.  And that was the moment it should have stopped being just about an election, and someone in the government should have seriously considered the 25th amendment.   That we would spend the next seven months with a President who was barely aware is a crime.  Actually, the crime is that we were lied to, for years, about his mental state.  But it's even more criminal that when it was apparent, everyone thought it was just fine for him to continue being brain dead and the President at the same time.

   The problem with our country?  No one ever pays a price for being wrong.  For at least 2 years, a cabal of unelected bureaucrats were acting as the President of the United States.  We don't know who they were, we don't know which decisions they made, we know nothing.  They will never be held accountable.  That's what's wrong.  No one ever pays for being wrong.

   Now Donald Trump is President.  He earned my vote in Butler, Pennsylvania when someone tried to kill him.  We still hear about Lee Harvey Oswald, but no one talks about the guy who came within inches of killing the former President and leading Presidential Candidate.  Someone else tried a month later.  And I'm thinking someone might try again.  And I hate to say it, but I leaned toward the guy everyone is trying to make dead, because there's a reason. (And it's not that he's Hitler... that is just getting way too old.)  

   But even with Mr. Trump in the White House, still, no one will pay for the coverup of a non compos mentis President.  Now the Truth can be told, except now, it's too little too late.

*Dashboard Confessional - Vindicated

Why I Voted for the Felon They Kept Trying to Kill

   Yesterday, a Pastor I think quite highly about, made a post on Facebook asking some pointed questions of Christians who supported Trump. ...