Saturday, September 29, 2012

It's time to get a new media....

A few weeks ago, something terrible happened to our country.  It didn't happen here, and maybe that's why there aren't as many outraged people as there should be.  On September 11, 2012, a group of people stormed the US Consulate in Benghazi, Libya.  They are killed our ambassador, Chris Stevens, and 3 others.  They paraded his body through the streets and took pictures.  Some people have alleged he was raped.  

The day after the attacks, White House Spokesman, Jay Carney, told reporters it was a spontaneous attack, related to a 14 minute movie clip on youtube.  It was not organized.  It had nothing to do with our current middle east policy.  (Please forget if you somehow managed to see the videos of Egyptians, who stormed our embassy there, shouting "Obama, Obama we are all Osama".  Move along.)

5 days after the attack, US Ambassador to the United Nations, Susan Rice, appeared on all 5 major Sunday news shows to reiterate this fact.  Totally spontaneous, no planning, yes, Libyans bring RPGs and heavy machine guns to a protest all the time!  (Please forget that you might have heard the Libyan President say this was an organized attack, most likely perpetrated by Al Qiada. Move along.)

The media spent days on Mitt Romney's statement, and mere minutes, if that,  on the head scratching going on by the US Citizenry.  The attack occurred on 9/11.  If the White House truly believed it was spontaneous, there must be proof, because any normal person would question the timing.  (Especially considering that youtube video had been in place for months...)

Even when little pieces of information, like our Al-Q buddies being angry about the latest drone strike, came out, the White House stuck to their story.  And then one day, they didn't.  Without explanation, it became a terrorist attack.

Thank you Kirsten Powers, of the Daily Beast, for being willing to say what no major media people are saying.  This administration is either incompetent or lying.  Either they rushed to judgment, for whatever reason,  and were dead wrong, or they knew, and they didn't want us to know.

They got quite tetchy when CNN did something CNN is not known for doing.  CNN made them look like idiots or liars.  They published a portion of Chris Stevens diary, where he says he thinks he's on Al Qiada's hit list.  Something he probably expressed to people higher up.  Something they did nothing about.  There was weeping and wailing over how wrong it was, but the damage was done.  The Ambassador was worried, and according to reports, he wasn't even afforded the basic security necessary to protect him.  The safe house was known (by a bunch of spontaneous protestors!). 

And the media.... mostly still focused on Mitt Romney.

So, here are a few questions they should be asking our Leader.

1) When did the intelligence community know this was a planned terrorist attack?  When did they tell you?  Is anyone getting fired for allowing your administration representatives to go on national TV and make a statement that was nowhere near the truth?

2) How did reporters from CNN manage to access personal information  within the Benghazi Consulate?  Considering a crime was committed there, isn't there any security making sure the crime scene isn't destroyed?

3) Is there any truth to the information that within 24 hours of the attack at least someone in the government was aware, not only that it was a terrorist attack, but that the address of one of the attackers was known?

4) Why is the FBI still 400 miles away from the investigation they are supposed to be doing?

5) Why was Ambassador Stevens not afforded the basic protection necessary to protect his life?

I could keep going.  None of these questions are even being  asked.

For the second time since September 11th, 2001, a terrorist or group of terrorists have attacked us again, and it's not headline news.  It's not even second page news.  I can blame the White House for totally screwing up, but if the American people are unaware of how bad it was screwed up, there's only  one place to lay the blame.  The news media.  They simply aren't doing their jobs.  Time to replace them.  It's time for a new set of real journalist, if there are any left.

One more thing.  Do you remember when the 2,000th Soldier killed in Iraq was front page news?  Can you tell me when the 2,000th Soldier was killed in Afghanistan, without looking it up?  I rest my case.

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