As I stated last week, this will become a regular feature. There are several reasons for that. One is that I don't have the time to write up a full length blog on one subject every week. I may still write one occasionally, but the research required for those is a lot harder than plucking a few headlines and writing a paragraph about each.
This week Congress finally got around to passing the stimulus bill that was so important during the election. They had to impeach the former President first for a riot he didn't start and then they had to take a short vacation. Turns out there is less stimulus and more giveaways. We are bailing out underfunded union pension funds, New York City and San Francisco, art museums (again), and various other things that have little or nothing to do with COVID and the American people. That is not to say that some of these things shouldn't be taken up, as a matter of course, just that cloaking them in COVID relief is kind of...icky. There were some tears over the removal of the $15 an hour minimum wage, and few more tears by some group naming themselves "Evangelicals for Biden" for the taxpayer funding of abortions, but both of those wish list items were dead on arrival. Anyone who thought differently is living under a rock.
Minneapolis now looks the same as Capitol Hill, in other words like the DMZ, due to the trial of Derek Chauvin. He's the police officer who is being tried for murdering George Floyd. Apparently, there's still some question as to whether Mr. Floyd died from being strangled or if he died from a lethal dose of Fentanyl. I have no opinion, at this point. I do know something I'd like to share with you all. You are less likely to die at the hands of a police officer if you 1) don't commit crimes, 2) if you do commit crimes don't resist arrest. Those two things can save a life, no matter what your skin color.
President Joe Biden* apparently gave a speech on Thursday night. It wasn't a great speech. I'm not sure, despite reading several comparisons, that it was as bad as Jimmy Carter's malaise speech, but it also wasn't very positive. Telling your country that they "might" be able to have a small gathering in July if they are vaccinated doesn't quite rise to the level of inspiring. I want to make sure I'm not being unfair to the President*. He struggles with words, and reading, and remembering where he is, so it might not be entirely fair to criticize a speech he probably won't remember tomorrow.
Harry and Meghan are in the news. Why? Because apparently the royal family is full of rabid racists who did horrible things and made Meghan want to kill herself. For the record, little Archie was not entitled to a...title. At least not at this present moment. No one was taking away his title because he's 1/4 black. Harry and Meg chose to leave the royal family,and whatever their reasons, when they chose to do that the left behind the trappings, but also the wealth of the royal family. Lest you think they live in poverty, they are living in a 14 million dollar mansion, have multi-million dollar deals with Disney, Netflix and Spotify, not to mention the 25 million Diana left to Harry. They aren't poor. I have come to the conclusion that the Brits have finally found a way to pay us back for 1776.
Finally, I have a message for the wokinistas. You are not smarter than me. You have no business telling me how I should live my life. You overestimate my ability to care what you think. Let me clue you in: none, zero, zip, nada. That is my ability to care. You are more than entitled to your opinions, but you are not empowered to make me care what you think of me. You may call me simple minded, or crazy, that's fine, because as I have already stated, I don't care. You see, every day, I get up and go to work, and I deal with a public that is frustrated, lonely, cut off, and tired of being told they can't live their lives because if they do, they don't care about their fellow man. But who cares about them? We are so busy trying to keep people from dying of COVID, that we've stopped caring about everything else, except maybe white privilege and gun control, neither of which is going to help the people I see every day. You purveyors of woke thinking don't care. You just pronounce your moral superiority, and you feel good in your warm gooey places. Which is good for you, but pretty darn crappy for the fellow man you claim to care so much about. So go ahead, cancel me. I don't care. I have only three little words left for you....Go Pound Sand.
Until Next Time....
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