Sunday, August 15, 2021

Science! Or Not

How do you raise a gender neutral child? That's the question I find myself asking today, as I read news that the American Medical Association wants to remove the sex designation from the public section of birth certificates. Ten states allow you to designate your child as "X" on their birth certificate.  My assumption is that is done so that parents can't be accused of misgendering their child, and can allow their child to decide, at some point, which sex they wish to be.  The other 40 don't allow that, but a full 48 states will allow you to change your gender when you discover whether you want to be a boy, a girl, or something else.  I'm not sure what that something else is, but let's go with it for now.  But still, I ask myself, how to you raise a gender neutral child?  What name do you give them?  What clothes do you dress them in?  What toys do you buy them?  What if by the age of 5 they still don't know what gender they are?  How do handle going to school when the vast majority of their peers are either boys or girls, but Mommy and Daddy never told them if they're a boy or a girl?  

Biological sex is fixed.  I know that's not a popular thing to say these days, but it is a scientific fact, except in the rare cases of intersex people.   Your biological sex is determined at conception.  You either have two X chromosomes or a X and a Y chromosome.  Those chromosomes determine your biological sex.  When I say this, please understand I am not discounting those who suffer from Gender Dysphoria or Gender Identity Disorder.  GID is a real thing, with real causes, and real ramifications, physical and psychological.  There are people who feel like they are one gender and trapped in the body of the opposite biological sex.  Notice how I did that?  Gender and biological sex are not the same thing. 

That's where all this is leading me.  If biological sex is a fixed scientific fact, and it is, then how do you raise a gender neutral child, or to be more precise, how can you possible think that's an okay thing to do?  It's as if that child is already starting out on the wrong foot, so to speak.  The highest figure for people who have GID is one out of every 20,000.  That means that 19,999 children born will identify their gender with their biological sex.  If you declare your child gender neutral, there is a very good chance they will spend some of their most formative year being denied the ability to be who they really are, to use the transgender movement's own words.  Do you really think you are doing your child a favor?  

In order to make life easier on your child, if by some chance they are the 1 in the 20,000, you are making your child's life infinitely harder if the are the 1 in 19,999.  Despite what some doctors say, I don't believe a 2 year old or even a 5 year old have any idea what gender they are, outside of how they are raised.  My daughter spent 18 months thinking she was a dinosaur.  It didn't make her a dinosaur.  She liked dolls, but she also really loved hot wheels.  Neither of my girls wear dresses unless they absolutely have to... weddings, funerals.  That's about it. They are more comfortable in a jeans and a t-shirt.  Does that make them a boy?

So I get back to, how do you raise a gender neutral child? What I really am asking is how do you raise a gender neutral child who isn't screwed up for life, because mom and dad decided to jump on some politically correct train that says if you label your child a girl or a boy you are damaging them.  People with GID suffer, and you not labeling them won't change that.  You can't change their sex before they are born, you can't even change it immediately after they are born.  It's those physical characteristics that cause psychological problems, and no matter what you do, you can't change that.  So give your child a bloody gender and stop damaging them.

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