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Things That Make You Go Hmmm....

    I lost a post.  I know it was here, at one point, and now it's.... gone.  I'm wondering if it got removed/censored because of it's content.  It would really be a shame if my very sporadic posts got deleted.  I've been writing on Blogger for awhile, although not with any regularity.  Life gets in the way, and as no one is paying me to do this I have to actually go work for a living.

   I know most of my posts are directed at the left side of the political spectrum, but every once in awhile it's a good idea to look at your own side and take stock.  I was forced to do that when I sort of went back to Twitter/X. Now I have no side.  I have officially left the right.  (No, I won't be joining the left, because I don't see the point in leaving one set of crazies in exchange for another.)

   It started, way back around Easter, when the Daily Wire and Candace Owen parted ways.  Whatever the reasons might have been, it was preceded by a rather petty and childish X war, based on the fact that, when questioned, Ben Shapiro honestly answered a question in which he disagreed with some things Candace had said.  Now, whether or not those things are why she no longer has a home on DW anymore, no one is really saying.  I pay for DW, and I have no intention of leaving it.  There's just way too much good content.  And honestly, I could care less about their little war.  During this time, Candace started to, well, she went off the deep end. 

   Apparently, Ms. Owens decided, not long after October 7th, that Israel is bad and Hamas controlled Gaza is good.  She's in some great company: Kanye West, Nick Fuentes, Andrew Tate, the protesters on our college campuses.  She actually believed (or maybe still believes) that the "Muslim Quarter" is the only place Arabs and Muslims can live in Israel.  And she claimed to have obtained that knowledge when she went to Israel.  You'll excuse me if I think she should gain a few more facts before I take her ideas about Gaza seriously.

   Then she decided to takees the phrase "Christ is King" and use it as a bludgeon with which to beat Ben Shapiro, an Orthodox Jew.  As a Christ Follower that felt icky.  

   And then... a lot of people on the right seemed to be agreeing with her and Andrew Tate.  You know, the guy who seduced women so that he could have them perform sex acts on camera for money which he would keep.  Kinda like a pimp...err.... no actually a pimp.

   Suddenly, these people who claim to be conservative and right-leaning are bashing Jews, and even better, trying to make Germans out to be the victims of World War II.

   Then you have Tucker Carlson, who thinks that Russian Prices are so much better than here, not realizing that the poorest people in the US are better off than most Russian citizens.  Oh, and we are the scourge of the earth for dropping atomic bombs on Japan when they refused to surrender and thus saved millions of lives that would have been lost in a ground war in Asia.  

   All of this to say, I'm turning in my right card and deciding I'm done with both sides.  I'm can't take either side anymore.  I mean... just look at the choices they gave us for President!


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