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Congratulations, from the other side.


"Why do I keep hitting myself with a hammer?  Because it feels so good when I stop."

I don't know who said that, but that's what I'm doing today. I keep looking at the news and reading the stories, because when I stop it feels good.  I have a lot to say, and I have a feeling people will disagree.  If you want to call me names, I don't care.  If you want to question my character and morals, I don't care.  And yes, people are doing that.  Here's just a few quotes:

 “(Bobby) Orr inflamed one of the most grievous if underappreciated wounds of the Trump era: the sad discovery for so many of us over the past four years that so many of our friends, neighbors, business partners and heroes are not who we thought they were.”  -Andrew Cohen, The New Republic

“Sadly, the voters who said in 2016 that they chose Trump because they thought he was ‘just like them’ turned out to be right. Now, by picking him again, those voters are showing that they are just like him: angry, spoiled, racially resentful, aggrieved and willing to die rather than ever admit that they were wrong. . . . It’s clear now that far too many of Trump’s voters don’t care about policy, decency or saving our democracy. They care about power.” -Tom Nichols, The Atlantic

So our heroes are only our heroes if they agree with what we do.  They aren't our heroes because of their great sports accomplishments. As for the second quote, I'd like to break that down.  Angry:  Four years... four years of anger directed at a President, his supporters, and anyone he came in contact with.  Spoiled:  Four years of NOT getting your own way.  Racially Resentful:  I'm sorry, but which organization is actively setting fires, damaging property and looting over racial resentment? Aggrieved and willing to die rather than admit they were wrong:  Um, which aggrieved democrat has apologized for the hundreds of news shows they went on SWEARING they had hard evidence of Russian Collusion that never materialized?  All of those things describe the party who hasn't been in the executive branch the last four years.

The idea, that something has to been done about "Trump supporters" should strike terror in the hearts of every citizen in this country.  There are people calling for truth and reconciliation committees to fix Trump Supporters.  We just moved from The United States of America to the starring role in a production of Orwell's 1984.  We get to disagree, and we don't get to decide that we have to form committees to, I don't  know, re-educate those who don't agree with us.  

Let me explain something loud and clear.  Those statements up there?  They are the reason we ended up with Trump in the first place.  Apparently, no one got that message.

I didn't support Trump in 2016.  I didn't vote for him. Forced between two equally horrible choices, I chose to write-in, for the first time since I was 18.  Then I stood back and watched the left eat it's own, and the right fight a civil freaking war between the "Trumpies" and the "Never-Trumpers".  It was fun, let me tell you.  Then I started to read what no one was talking about.  A salacious, unverified, patently false dossier had been used to obtain FISA warrants to spy on a member of the Trump campaign.  That dossier was paid for by the Clinton Campaign.  The full power of the Intelligence and Federal Law Enforcement communities was unleashed on one party's political opponent.  Remember Watergate?  This was worse, way worse.  From the same administration that used the IRS as a weapon, it's not a stretch to believe that James Comey appeared to be the reincarnation of J. Edgar Hoover.  And the more these people, Comey, Brennan, Clapper, McCabe, and our friend Adam Schiff appeared on news shows to crow about the hard evidence they had that never turned up, the more angry I got.  I didn't vote for the man.  I don't like the man.  This was wrong.  

I'm tired of having my moral character questioned, because I wasn't running around saying "Orange man bad" all the time.  I'm tired of being told I'm a racist, I was born a racist, and I will always be a racist (see Critical Race Theory), because I was born with white skin. I'm tired of being told that I need to sit down and shut up, because I have the wrong opinions.  I'm tired of family and friends deleting me from facebook, because I don't agree with them.  (I don't agree with them, they have said some horrible things about people like me, and yet I never deleted them.)  I have been personally attacked.  One person called me old and outdated.  And you see, this is how you get a Trump Supporter.  I don't like the man, and I voted for him in 2020, and all of you out there who made me feel less than human for my beliefs need to look in the mirror.  YOU are the reason I voted for Trump.  YOU made me a Trump supporter.  You want to fix that?  Then I suggest you look in the mirror.  It took you four years, but by golly, you managed to make me pull the lever for a man I really don't like.  Congratulations.  Hope this is what you wanted.  As I read this morning from someone on Twitter... you reap what you sow.  Hope you're ready for it.  


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