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Small Bites, Edition 1

It's morning, and the odds of me finishing this post before I have to go unload a 420 case truck are slim and none.  I'm not even sure what I'm writing about other than the news tidbits over the last few days.  What I do know is that many Biden supporters should be scratching their head right now.  So let's take on just a few of the things in the news.

Dr. Seuss, or at least some of his books, have been cancelled.  "I think I saw it on Mulberry Street" is going for the affordable price of $1600 on Amazon last time I looked, but my guess is, it will be banned from sale on Amazon like other books recently.  Want to make a book no one was talking about popular?  Ban it from Amazon.  Currently, "When Harry Became Sally" has a hold line longer than Harry Potter when it first came out at my local library.  If the goal was not to let people read the book, it failed.  I imagine in the next few weeks, Dr. Seuss books will be raking in the dough as people clamor to purchase as many as they can.  Who thought we'd be living in "Fahrenheit 451"?

Among other things currently hiding in our latest stimulus bill is up to 21,000 dollars for federal employees who can't go to work because their kids can't go to school.  That's per employee.  Sorry to you other poor slobs who have to go without a paycheck because your kids can't go to school, even though there is no scientific evidence that schools are super spreader environments for COVID.  I'd like to remind all our petrified teachers that I've been working, with the public, since June 9th.  All I do is feed people's alcohol addiction.  I'm trying to figure out how my job is more important than the education of young minds, but so far, I haven't really come up with a good reason.  Also, I haven't caught COVID.

Recently, I was made aware that I no longer have to quarantine for close contact with a COVID infected person if I'm fully vaccinated.  Fully vaccinated apparently means 2 weeks after the second dose of a two dose vaccine, but not more than 3 months since the second dose of a two dose vaccine.  So, the vaccine is good for 10 weeks.  Yep, I'm clamoring to go get 2 needle sticks that last me 10 weeks.  Antibodies from the infection last longer than that....

QAnon has turned into some mythical monster with the ability to pronounce on the internet that they are going to do something everyone knows they aren't going to do, and yet manages to get the center of a national government locked down for 2 more months.  Meanwhile Antifa is still trying to burn down Portland. Eventually they will succeed, since even if arrested, they are back on the street the next day trying again.  

Apparently it's neanderthal thinking to not fine or jail people for not wearing masks, but it's okay to release COVID positive illegal immigrants into a population.  A funny thing happens when you say you won't deport anyone for 100 days.  They realize you won't deport them so they run across the border as fast as they can, and they really don't care if we are in the middle of a pandemic.  Our current President* seems to think Americans can't make basic decisions about their health and well-being, but who gives a crap if we just let a bunch of people not from our country run around free and clear to spread the 'Rona.  People want to know why New Zealand had success?  They DIDN'T LET ANYONE IN!  Of course, that's easier to do when you are an island surrounded by water on four sides, which I said from the beginning, but at least now we have our progressive friends admitting that too, so I guess that's something.

Andrew Cuomo is on the hot seat for sexually harassing at least 3 women.  It's good cover for the fact that he killed 15,000 grandparents with his insane nursing home policy.  He wasn't the only one.  More than half of all COVID deaths in my state, Pennsylvania, can be attributed to congregate care facilities.  Good thing Dr. Rachel* Levin moved her mama into a posh hotel before the Wolf Administration's own death policy.  If they were using federal guidance, which some of them have claimed they were doing, why did 45 other states not follow the same policy?  There are only two answers.  1) there was no federal guidance for them to mandate COVID positive patients go back to nursing homes, or 2) 45 other administrations were far smarter than them.  You pick which one.  It doesn't matter which one you pick, because it's all being obscured by Cuomo's creepy Joe Biden-like behavior.

I've decided to make this a weekly thing, so you have now read the first edition of Small Bites.  See you next week!

P.S. - I finished this post on Friday, March 5th.  As predicted, I didn't have time to finish it before that 420 case truck.


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